When to Call 911
Call 911 only when:
- It's urgent and important: a crime may be in progress and police help is needed right away.
- Someone's health or safety is at risk.
Less Urgent Calls to the Police
If you don't need to call 911 but need to call the police to give them information of a less urgent nature, call Toronto Police Service at:
and ask to be transferred to your local Toronto Police Service Division Office.
What is it?
Neighbourhood Watch is simple: keep your eyes open around your neighbourhood and, if you see anything suspicious - people, vehicles or activities - call the Police by phoning 911.
It's as simple as that.
Getting Started
- Meet or contact your neighbours. Look up their phone numbers.
- Use our What is Neighbourhood Watch? Info Sheet to explain to them what you are doing.
- Exchange contact information (phone numbers, email addresses), create a private Facebook page for your nearby neighbours and join our Neighbourhood Watch Toronto Facebook group.
- Start watching out for one another!
-Let each other know when your routine is changing (holidays when you're away, when a service person visits, or when guests stay with you) so you (and they) can spot the unusual.
- Contact the Crime Prevention Officer in your area. Find out what Toronto Police Service (“TPS”) Division you live in by checking the TPS map and click on the link for that Division. Ask him or her who is your neighbourhood’s representative on the Community Police Liaison Committee (CPLC) in your Division.
-Share news about break-ins, thefts and other crimes in your area and share crime prevention tips by following links on our Resources Page.